Living is a series of “Waves”, or “Transitions” from one Phase of Life to the next.
It can be daunting, or even a bit intimidating at times, but with the right attitude, and help, we can actually move into a better position to enjoy the next “Wave of Life”.
Waves of Life...
We don’t seem to realize it when we are younger, but life’s phases offer us different opportunities, and challenges. With these, we find our needs shift. For example, when it is just “Me”, a small studio efficiency apartment will be just fine. But then, we meet that “Perfect Match”, then along come the children. Not many families would be happy in that studio apartment with a Murphy bed. So we strive to buy that Dream Home with 2 floors and lots of doors, with a large grassy yard for the kids and dog to run in.
But our Life-Phases are not over.
The kids have now grown, and begun their own independent lives. Now that Dream Home is becoming a burden; grass to cut, driveways to shovel, wasted utilities for unused rooms, property taxes for unneeded schools, losing connections with past-friends-parents who have moved on, and even perhaps growing tired of Ohio winters.
Whether you are moving into your early Life-Phases and looking for your first starter home, or in the Child-Rearing phase, or now in your “Third Wave” as a Senior and looking to unload the baggage of maintaining the old family house, Steve can help.
Steve has experience with creative options for homeowners;
Such as a Sale-Leaseback of your present home; we find a buyer for your house, you pocket the money from the sale, and you remain in your home as the Tenant, under the Lease-terms you negotiated while selling. This is very common in certain sectors of Investment Real Estate, but relatively unheard of in residential.
Or perhaps you would like to have a tenant help with your monthly expense. You could do this by moving into a multifamily property which you buy/own, and renting the other unit(s) out for their income. Steve also has deep experience with this (this is how he got started in real estate when he was 21 years old).
There are also more financial options these days, especially for Seniors and Veterans; cash-out mortgages, and ways to put far-less money down on a home purchase, allowing you to use the extra funds for other needs.
Ask Steve about the numerous options available. It may take the pain out of giving up the now over-sized Family house.
To learn more about our White Fox Group folks, take a look at our About Us page.
Or, to see the wide-ranging sectors of Real Estate which Steve can help with, click around this website. Note in particular, the "Multifamily" page (if you might be interested in residential rental properties), and Steve's highly-unusual area of expertise with "ExPatriate Services".